
if you keep him on that chain you will have a hard time training him.he needs to get out and run to burn off energy.if you dont have time to take him on walks every night he will have pined up engery and when you let him off the chain he will go crazy and will not listen.once you burn off his energy try having him sit and stay.i bet he will do what you wont a lot better.if you dont have time to take him on long walks get a tredmill and put him on that.on the other hand if you wont a coon dog leave him on the chain and run him with good coon dog he will follow the other bog and when they tree a coon pull the other dog off and let your dog fight the coon.he will start to hunt coons before you know it.take him hunting with the other dog quite a few times so he dont start running the coon dont mater if a coon dog listens to you or not they will be in the woods tracking/running will be going to where they are treeing.