
When I was a kid, my dad used to raise Coonhounds He had 2 West Virginia Champions. They were Cherry River Walkers "Gale" and "Sailor". One of their offspring was "Prettyboy" He was white with a black saddle and a brown muzzle. His chest was so broad, it was wider that two hand-spans of a grown man. He was a champion as well. He had several Bench Posing trophies for Prettyboy. Dad retired him when he was 5 and "Prettyboy" became a breeder and our family pet.

:sad10: He died in 1978 at the age of 11 after being bit by a Copperhead Snake on the neck while Dad had him out hunting squirrel.

I can still him singing on a hot trail in the dark West Virginia hollows on a full moon.
