ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

Not much to show. On the 8th all I got done was washed the dogs!
Pushed car out of garage to make templates.
Set up inside garage; new nose cone, will have to wire wheel & paint under side.
Brought the rubber mat and manifolds inside garage to split apart. Still no new manifold!!!!
With no manifold yet, I seem to have lost all motivation!
Jezz I'm bummed out! Whatever!!! Who cares!!!!!
All I got done today was 1 acre blowed & mowed.
That makes 3, 70 degree days in a row and didn't get crap done on the car.
Yes folks, Depression is one bad mother!!!
Never did make the dang templates yet. Now comes the cold wet weather.
I'm just about ready to push Fern behind the barn till spring and just keep driving Baby this winter.
Blahhhhhh Blahhhhhhhh blahhhhhhh...............:angry7: