dart guys help me out pls

dartboy73 said
hello very new to the mopar scene i was driving around and i seen a 1973 dodge dart swinger sitting in a drive way there was a lady bbq beside the car so i went up to her and asked her if she would sell it well we got to talking and 50 bucks she said i could take it so i did now i realize i know nothing about darts so i have some questions
1 were in canada can i get new fenders for the car?
2 is the car worth putting money into?
3 will the fenders off a 72 fit on my car?
4 worth
5 is it worth fixing the 318 in it or just dump a 360 in it and get it over wit
my e mail is [email protected] pls help lol

yes 72 fenders will fit.. but the entire front clip will have to be changer to a 72 set up..

worth fixing the 318.. thats personal preference... personally i think i would build a 360.. but thats only if the 318 isn't an easy fix