How many cars is too many?!

Allright guys and galls,

I'm getting to a point in life where I've owned a LOT of cars, and even though I'm only 28 it's been well over 150, granted some only for a few months but long enough to love em' or hate em'.

The problem I have is that I fall in love with cars very easily, they all have their charm. GM, mopar, Ford, BMW, Audi, Honda, Subaru etc.

I learn from all of them etc. but when push comes to shove I have a few concrete favourites without much rationale. I own 3 favourites already, and now 2 others are up for grabs!

Being indecisive as I am, I'm battling purchasing 2 of my favorites I can get a hold of pretty cheap. Both are cars that I wish I'd never gotten rid of...

I already have:

A '73 Dodge Dart (ongoing project, one of the keepers for now, see my build thread, which needs updating...)

A '72 Beetle, another keeper.

A '74 Full convertible Blazer, which is being replaced by a regular '78 Blazer (same car just more stable and already lifted etc.)

So that's 3 cars I can use regularly, even though I'm in Europe, the Beetle is cheap on gas with the Suby engine, the Dart's getting an LPG conversion and the Blazer already runs it (LPG is 3x's cheaper than gas you get to run a v8 for the cost of a 1.3 Jap motor)

Do I need an intervention?

A I addicted to cars?! :toothy10:

Should I just give in to addiction seeing as it keeps me off the bottle, smokes and streets! :)

What the hell do you do with 5 cars anyway? Crap I forgot to mention the limo....

Of course I have modification plans for the two I want to add to the stable, as well as ongoing work on the Beetle and Dart. The only ready to go is the (replacement) Blazer.

How many you got in the stable? How many daily's?

Do I indulge or draw the line? It's not a super stretch financially, just no other extra's for a few months, no biggie.

Oh yeah, the 2 I wanna add are:

'91 Jaguar van den Plas, black w/ cream leather and 220 horse. (needs a valve job, 2 weekends worth of work) wanna make this my druglord car, haha, big rims, dark windwos etc. Nice car to take the GF out in.

'87 Fiero 5spd that I've already sourced a 3800 Supercharged motor for even though the v6 in it is fine... With a vd. Hoef Ferrari body kit etc.

It's the only ricer-ish car I'll drive, man that thing is low and quick!

Who else can relate? What do I do? Indulge or be smart and save money?!

This post is as serious as much as it's a joke, sometimes it's just good to hear other opinions...