well i saw this thread awhile ago so here it goes...
im not going to try to keep this short since i dont like reading life stories myself (although this may turn into one) but growing up around mopars i new i had to have one...My dad has been building a 69 big block dart since i was a baby and has finally finished it a couple of years ago...he took me to the racetrack as a kid, brought me around his dart, and was pretty much asking for me to get into the hobby lol...ever since i got my license i harassed about getting a muscle car for myself, but no go...I always got the where are you gonna park it, how will you afford insurance, how will you pay for gas, your gonna drive like a phsyco (probably true)...I persisted at it until i proved to my parents that i had a plan, had the money and finally convinced them...i love all muscle cars, but mopars being my fave, there wasnt much of them around here in good shape without ridiculous price tags, so my dad said look in the states...after months of searching for a duster or cuda (im in love with all the abodies) i came across my scamp in michigan...i had never known what a scamp was, and even though they are similar to a dart, i just found it a unique oppurtunity that i couldnt pass up, especially since it was in such good can find out the details of all that in my build thread here...

I have spent alot of money on this car, as i purposely wanted a project to do everything from start to finish myself, but it has been totally worth it...I dont drink, smoke, drugs, etc....the scamp is my drug money and it is the best damn drug in the world! I am also super lucky for having a dad who has the knowledge to help me with it(and have fun with me doing it too- if it wasnt for him no custom fab work on the car), not to mention for getting me into the hobby in the first place...I also cant forget to mention this website, especially when it came to doing the bodywork on my car- most if not all the advice came from guys on here, and i new absolutly nothing when i started out...thanks FABO!! My mom has also been really supportive, as well as my longtime girlfriend who went from knowing nothing about cars to being an expert (no exageration here, she actually surprises me lol) and buying me parts instead of clothes for special occasions lol, and now my twin brother who has always been a muscle car guy too (hes a gm guy, but i could care less since muscle is muscle) is looking to pick up a le mans or chevelle for next mom complains there is not enough driveway and garage space for all these cars, but i tell her what did ya expect? we were pretty much raised into it lol...anyways thats my story, nothing special, but the truth as it stands....Id like to thank cudachick for putting this on and all the members who have donated- its a very unnesscary but very very appreciated!!!

Ill leave off my post with a video of the scamp running...just got it started not too long ago, and i had to take a video to keep me company over the long winter...enjoy!