Adjusting drag shocks...

personally im not one that needs new shiney expensive parts on my car to like for me im going back to some old worn out stock shocks...
reason why? Because for me I bought the 90/10's to get the weight transfer advantage and front end to lift. But theory is to get the weight to transfer which is what the 90/10's do...but apparently not like the 1969 originals once there broken in haha, but the 90/10's keep the front end up and dont let it down for a long time which technically lets alot of air under the front of the car dragging it down aerodynamic wise... not like my old shocks that threw the front end up and let it back down... the 90/10s would be better if you have serious traction problems but in my case i voted for stock....

good luck with summet... they and everyone else we buy from will say something like "line up the lines & clicks..." or "you put a screw driver on it and go up and down and find the hard/medium/easy settings"

as if they dont all get hard after 100 times up and down going in circles haha.

good luck