Rust Never Sleeps

I was wondering about that Epoxy that has recently come on the market. Anyone out here ever use it????? I am kind of leery to try an epoxy to hold on a quarter skin. I think over time that the epoxy would fail due to temperature changes/humidity? I meant to say mig weld in my quarters, not braze. Typo, sorry. it just sucks that 4 years after paying a body guy over 3K to do the body/paint on this car I now am finding out he cut corners on the work. Oh Well live and learn. That's why I am just replacing the entire rear clip on my car, I figure if I cut out ALL the old rust and weld in new panels that I will never have to deal with this happening again. Now I need a reputable body man here in N.C. who I can have the work done from. I do not know anyone down here that does body work. I would prefer someone who does Mopars.