What have we become in 50 Years?

What I said has nothing to do with our leaders. It has everything to do with the parents and people that are sue happy! People cry if they get a cut, they sue if they are a clumsy dumbass and don't pay attention to say something like a wet spot on the floor and instead of walking around it they walk right through it.

"Oh no I just got punched in the face and instead of learning a lesson and not being a stupid jack *** that deserves it I'm going to cry and sue."

"Oh god, my dumb kid just fell off his bike and bonked his head on the ground,. The world is coming to an end, I need to wrap my kid in bubble wrap before he even looks at his bike or skateboard" Guess what jackass, your kid is 12 years old, do you know what 12 year olds do? THEY HURT THEM SELFS IT'S CALLED GROWING UP!!!

"I don't want my kid to get sick so I will keep them away from the dangers of the world and make them wash their hands every 5 seconds."

"Hey mom, Thanks for turning me into a big pussy that gets sick at the drop of a hat and that is allergic to every damn thing on the planet, It's called building up immunities!"

John Wayne still put it best..."Life is hard, It's even harder when your stupid!"

I agree,it's part of life and growing up.You can't protect your kids every minute of every day.They need to experience some of life's little surprises.I got concussion when I was 8 years old because i was playing in a cardboard box and fell and smashed my head,my brother lost all his front teeth in a bicycle accident,my sister almost lost her fingers when she stuck them in the mixmaster.This is called growing up!We all grew up and look back and laugh nowadays.Suck it up parents they're not gonna break and if they need a spanking then they get one!8) My .02