Comment I heard form these "kids"

I will get 1000 pros for every con with my 48. Some young people today are naturely rude when they are alone. I love to meet them in thier cars with the coffee can exhaust and thumping stereos with my rumbling 48 with my 5000 watt thumper playing "Still Unbroken"! They look over in shame and humility. Lets face it the young guys that are able to build real fast ricers have alot more respect for the older hotrods because they can relate, it's all motor in the blood. Those kids will never know that feeling.
The last car show I entered my car in there was a ricer punk and his life partner looking over my car. I couldn't hear all that they were saying. But, I heard one on them saying,"yea, he should have done this". I'm like WTF! So, I go over to his little Civic wagon looking POS to see what I should have done to mine that he did to his. Well first off, he had two NOS bottles that were not even hooked up. I guess I should have done that. He had V-TEC stickers all on the side of the car. I guess I should have done that. He had about 500lbs of stereo equipment in the back. I did do that but total weight is about 30lbs. The only thing done to the engine was header. Oh, and all of the god awful red vacuum hoses. He has no room to say anything about anyone's car.

A funny thing that I've seen while driving through Atlanta was a Ford Cougar a early 2000 model I believe. Anyway, this dummy had a large V-TEC body sticker on the side of his car. I laughed my a$$ off. I tried to get back up him to snap a picture but he turned off before I could.