Comment I heard form these "kids"

It just makes me wonder if some of these "Kids" look at our cars like we did when we saw old "antique" cars when we were kids. You know back then we'd see an old Model T and it just looked like an old piece of junk to us. Or at least that's the way I was. I got into old 60's 70's cars and that was all that was cool to me. Still is, however I've at least learned to at least appreciate those older cars as well.
You are probably more on target here than anything else. A lot of it has to do with not being exposed to them. Just think, we are now starting to sound like our parents. I am sure they thought the same thing when everybody had to throw a thrush or a cherry bomb on anything they drove and ran the piss out of it thinking they had the fastest thing on the road. And don't forget putting the Thrush wood pecker on the window along with the assorted speed shop sticker. It didn't matter that it was on a 307 4 door Nova- they still though they were cool. You will always have kids out there that are going to try and hot rod whatever they have. Some will go to the extreme to do it right and then again some will just be posers. Think about it, we all knew someone we went to school with that had the total wicked car ( it may even have been some of us) But there were also plenty of posers running around who thought they had something. And no the Nova was't mine