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Well, here's my two cents. (Of course.) FABO and it's sisters, as well as fordsix.org are the only ones I'll be found on. Even then fordsix isn't as cool as what Joey and Adam have set up here. There's no general discussion, there's no "shoot the s*** forums, there's only "let's talk about your Ford six."
While in MN over the summer my wife and I got together with my wife's best friend and her husband a few times and they were talking SpaceBook (yes, I know...) and about how wonderful it is to keep in contact with friends from high school. Yay.
I was asked for my opinion on using SpaceBook (yes, I know...) to keep in contact with folks I knew from 20 years ago. Nope. Don't care to. The folks I knew in high school are totally different people than who I knew, just as I'm a totally different person than they knew. Our lives and experiences have made us strangers to other each now. And I don't need to sit down and reminisce with a total stranger.