AMC Car Show Pics

Thanks for the early Christmas present, homecloned! Now where did I put that mop and bucket to clean up the drool...=P~

Thanks homecloned....I had a green 70 AMX similar to your third or fourth picture, wish I still did....


Boy do I want that "Pete's Patriot" amx....

There was one of these cars sitting for years by the airport here in erie... under some trees. After a long time me and my dad actually considered asking about it... but then it dissapeared. No idea where it went, but hope it found a good home.


AMC's are awesome!! Way under-rated by the Muscle Car crowd.

Coooolllll! (Pete's Patriot was at the show here in Lawrenceville)

By the way, Noel, you just made Brian's (bpwordman's) day.

Thanks guys. I have always liked the AMX, I still think it is one of the baddest lookers out there. The Purple Javlin was off the chain.