"stock" 70 duster

well, ive still got this car. it was up for sale for a little while due to my daugters medical bills, but we made it work before the car sold, so i got to keep it.

ive been driving it a lot lately. to work, to daycare, to my second job, to church, etc. almost a nice day daily.

that has uncovered teething problems, as well as things i just dont like and annoy me.

1. the speedo didnt work. after moving some wires around to eliminate the interference, and regrounding it, it works for the first time since the resto. its amazing what RPM i have to run to run the speed limits. which brings me to
2. the gears are just too stiff. at 3000RPM, with 28 inch tall tires, im doing 60 MPH. thats just rediculous. so i worked out a deal with hollis over at HP engines that im trading my 3.91's and 2.76 open diffs for a fresh 3.55 sure grip unit. clutch type. im excited. ill post pic when i get it from him.
3. i blew out another drivers side header gasket. ill be putting coppers in that side when i get the chance.
4. my alignemnt sucks. the pass side tire is rubbing the fender from where the last alignment tech lengthened the adjustable strut rod. i believe im going to try to align this thing myself. i do GM stuff all the time, as well as all my other cars, so i "should" be able to do this one.
5. ive had some electrical gremlins pop up. sub, drivers side brake light, and alternator all quit working at various times. alternator was a slipping pully from where the nut loosened. sub was a bad ground, and i havnt figured out the taillight yet. im thinking turn signal switch.
6. the shifter is vauge. its a hurts comp shifter, with the stops all set up, new bushings, shimmed for a good fit on the rids, etc. done right, just vauge. ill be looking for another solution at some point.
7. the hood prop rod needs reengineered. its a POS.

the only other real update is that i test fit a set of 17 inch mustang bullit wheels. i like them, and they fil really well without any spacers or anything. the rear will need a small spacer just for looks, as theyre a little too far in. as soon as i find a good set for a good price, ill be grabbing them. im also converting from manual to power brakes, as i jsut get tired of the leg effort required to stop this thing.

jsut wanted to let you know the car didnt slip into obscurity or get sold.

look for updates as i work on it.
