ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

Stick to your guns bud. To be insulted on your own property is fighting words. :boxing:

My first Mopar was a 4 door 68 Dart /6 I bought from a nice older lady.
People would say nice taxi or old lady car. I didn't care. I was still cooler then them with there car payments.

I have seen a couple a jabs here on FABO in good fun about the 4 doors. I said something to ABB, and she agreed we had never really had anyone ever say "WOW NICE CAR, TOO BAD IT HAS 4 DOORS" and mean it.
Everywhere we have ever went with Baby, all stops, people ALWAYS stop & talk, also always show their love for her.

When I was getting offered on the phone from these morons the 15, 14, 1250 delivered, sudgestions on the phone ABB was next to me shaking her head NO the whole time. Even though we needed it she wasn't letting me just settle for whatever cash!

After I explained what happened outside, she wasn't so bad about loosing the money. (We had 3 hour wait on this guy so we had a good chance to spend the money already like 20 times! LOL!!!!!! )

I was as giddy as a kid in a candy store till the showed up and dissed Baby, then it was on like donkey kong!!! Pass the can of whup *** please!:toothy10:

I really question sometimes my people skills after 35 years of customer service in printing. Sometimes when you press the right button at the right time (even in printing lol), no matter how much money and how much I need it, If you hit the red button, I'll tell ya to go F yourself!

They couldn't even break me of it in the military!

Still had fun mowing my yard!8)