Trophy Hunters

after getting the Prowler done I was one of those guys. Fast forward, I don't care, got too many trophies and wall plaques to display

I don't care now if I go to a show or not, go to see the other cars and talk with the owners and if it is for a good cause.

The Dart has won a far amount of awards, but I don't care if it wins or not.

I have judged some shows for special awards and know some wonder why the cars get picked, I would sometimes pick a nice car that might not get an award for that very reason.

At the monthly Indy Mopar Club meeting this past week a comment was made about a caddy owner that came to the 1st OPEN car show the club put on. Guess what it was mostly Mopars and several but not all awards went to mopars. The judges were the employees of the Chrysler dealer we had the show at. He is saying that if you don't have Mopar not to go to the show (he is posting this somewhere on the internet) I got to thinking and have decided to bring up to the club a new award CRY BABY AWARD for those trophy hunters that lose. Yeah he has a nice old Caddy and was on the power tour and in Hot Rod, but the guy is a whiner and a BIG MOUTH. As you can tell I'm not in a close friendly circle with this guy. And I even have a 74 caddy Coupe deVille.

Car shows bring out the best and sometimes the worst in people.

The shows put on to help the disabled, (Indy Mopar Club donated over $10,000 to JDRF in the last 2 years) raise funds for a family in need or special cause is a worthwhile fund raising event. Or for a club to raise funds to keep the old car hobby going is the real reason for many shows.

Go to a show and show off your pride and joy and on your way home your real trophies are the waves and thumbs up from all the people you see.