It's time to start, I need a small block

Got a complete 360(77) new car oil pan,new stock 340 cam/lifters,new chain runs good sitting in shed must go give me cost of cam and chain and its yours.Maybe one of the construction guys in Mcmurray can deliver it for you.

I'm sure Scamper will jump all over this, but........If Scamper doesn't want it, I'm interested. What did you want for the cam and chain?

I just got on with Flint working in the Albian Sands near Fort McMurray. I will be driving my truck back to Vancouver Island on my 7 days off, and flying back to Fort Mac at the end of my 7 days. I am willing to take the 360 to your location if you would like. PM me for my phone number, we can try to set something up.

Hey Mike, if Scamper doesn't take it, can I get the lift instead? Please. Of course I'll throw some gas money your way.