Progress finally ... (pics)

Thanks for the good words on the modifs.

rumblefish360 said
You had to cut the metal backside of the dash to fit the gauges? And whats behind the panel. I also want to do something similar.
What size gauges are they?
Yes I had to cut the metal backside the fit all 3 gauges. They cluster fit well, as far as know, in the dash even with these thing sticking out. The oil and Amp gauge are 1.5" (link small gauge) , the voltmeter is 2" (link volt gauge). The 2" voltmeter was just the perfect depth to be fix on the inside of the metal back piece, and fit with the face of the cluster.
(these are "cheap" gauge, but I did not had the money for Autometer ... so better then nothing)

rumblefish360 said
Do you have or can I get the schematics for that electrical layout on the dash. It's like my Magnum. That thin flexable plastic that holds the electrical pathways.
You welded, er sodered right on that to tap the current?
It is a panel with printed circuit that I have cut to allow the voltmeter installation. Then I jump the signal and ground (5volts limiter, the gray box in the middle top of the circuit) to the new path. I solder rigth on the printed circuit it works really great.
Here is the original:

and then the modifs:

I hope this help.