ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

HEY MEMIKE!!!!!!!!

I am on another thread and R-----h is warning me against using ketch/catsup for copper contact points on the circut boards!!!!!

Don't do if you haven't already!!!
He said something about the salts & water but I haven't gotten full story yet.

I sure am a dumb ace country boy! Don't ever listen to me again!!
If you did already and if you find it has caused damage PM me and I'll get you different boards.

I am trully sorry for being a moron.

I'm going back into this thread to remove reference pics and such!
Couldn't remove pics been too long.

On a side note, I personally WILL still use tomato products, it's organtic!

I have not used it yet but I am just a Arkansas hickory nut :happy10:
And the acid that is in ketchup will be the way for me to go and the salt wont be on there very long, The film will protect any damage I would think 8)
I sure as heck don't want to scratch it of with some thing abrasive 8)
Vinegar is a great cleaner but it may brake the film down

Yep I will stay with the Ketchup 8)
And what ever you do do not end this cool thread :cheers: