Sand-blasting cabinets?

Guess I'll chime in. I bought mine from Tractor Supply, for just small parts, but it will fit a 15" wheel just fine with some room to manuveur. I adapted it for a Shop Vac, since the dust made it impossible to see. On the plus side, since someone brought it up, Tractor Supply also sells tear-offs for the window and extra lenses for the light, which is what had me sold on it. No sense in spending money on something I wouldn't be able to find support for. Can't remember the price I spent for it.
I built a dedicated bench for mine at a working height I could live with to make it easier on the back. And since the media drain plug was on the bottom I also built a large hole into the bench with an old metal funnel dedicated under the cabinet, so just pop the plug and watch it all drain into a bucket.