Xcptshnl1: I lost my grandmother this morning

I just got back in from a day full of family and friends. The 40 mile drive through real 'Country roads' that up until 10 years ago, weren't even paved. We were passing old farm houses and I was getting to tell the kids,"Your Great-Aunt Ivy McCune once lived in that yellow house up on that hill. When I was 10 I went there... and over there is your Great-Aunt Patsy's farm where I spent all my summers as a child and learned how to ride bareback, and make apple butter." I really got to connect some of the dots of MY past with my kids today.

As we drove further and higher and higher in the hills we drove ABOVE the SNOWLINE. That is when the kids realized why I insisted upon packing heavy sweaters and their winter coats. 3,100 feet the snow sticks to the ground right about this time of year. The grave yard sits right around 4,000. We live at 750 Feet above sea level in South Charleston, my parents in Clay:1,700.

There was snow falling on the roses at Mamaw's grave side. Even though the funeral home went to the trouble of pitching a large tent for everyone to huddle under, it didn't stop the snow from falling sideways. Would you believe, just as the Preacher began reciting the 23rd PSALM, the snow and wind stopped blowing. On that lonely tree barren church yard with it's field of stones, the sun peaked through the clouds for 5 whole minutes. That was just long enough for us to say our goodbyes.



This was Mamaw's Most Favorite Song...
Thank you all for your love and support. this is for you:
