The World's Highest Speeding Fines

Here in North East Arkansas our traffic courts are flooded... and it's not the wealthy folks, I worked for the city as a inmate work resource director and you never seen a farmer or a business owner in court for anything :angry7:
For instance, If I jumped in my barracuda back in the late 80'es and drove to the river on a two lane road and all you could see was bean and rice fields I would get passed by truck's with fuel cells or farm equipment in the back doing 90 to 100 miles an hour:stop::bootysha: If I was to do that or anyone from out of town or state they got pulled over and ticketed...
I learned a long time ago by my uncle that told me the farmers have the road and the county let's them and turns there backs on them, and it shows in traffic court here, it's the young guns and white color workers you see in court. But yet I see more speeding by our fancy Caddy's, BMW's and Chargers out there. So I will guess they pay for there tickets and not go to court :angry7: hmmm.
We are a collage town and we have past the law click it or ticket :happy10:
They CAN pull you over for not wearing a seat belt now, and we do have camera's in town :cheers: This helps watch movement of thieves and speeders. Is this a perfect world NO!! But we have locals and farmers to industry owners with there hands in the pockets of our law enforcement.
I think I always do 3 ta 5 mph over the speed limit on our us interstates and never speed other wise, and my record shows it.
I was shocked when I seen what the laws are in other countries that Joeychgo brought up, Thank you for the incite 8) I never had a clue till know.
I think our system here charges you a $160 doing 15 mph over the speed limit and a $60 court fee. and it goes up as the higher speed over the speed limit as a first afender.

Thank you for sharing :cheers: I did not know 8)