390 vs 408

Dodgeketboy -

Firstly - I think you might want to look at Nemesis 1st post with less arrogance and more intelligence - - he is a BIG supporter of 318s, as I am.

YOU started the p1ssing contest, , and he was not "having a go" at your engine - in fact he was trying to help the thread starter - YOUR behaviour was pretty childish however.

Now -

Really? I don't know any 390 besides mine. And I know about big heads, the next 390 I built bill be X heads........

Maybe theres a language problem here? But just so you don't die completely "pig ignorant", I'll explain that i was also not "having a go" at your engine choice!

FWIW - My comment re- the attitude towards suitable cylinder heads comes from our experience in Australia, where most guys have run or built a 318 (because 360a cost $$$)

It stands to reason that because most guys only know small cube V8s, they assume they can get away with factory 360 heads on a bigger cube stroker.

.....and when they realise they can't, they go "cold" and build a 360 instead.

In fact it was Moper on this forum that set me straight on why a stroker needs a lot of attention to induction and head flow.

So - to be clear - I'm not saying everyone down here gets it wrong - but the reason 390s aren't popular is because it's common for 318 guys (Like me) to overlook the BIG difference in $$$ between std stroke engines and stroker induction.