Soda Blasting?

I've used Soda blasting from these guys here in California.

They are awesome guys and know their stuff. They do it the right way!!! No issues with paint adhesion becuase thier process eliminates the problems that can be associated with using Soda. They blast with soda first. Leaves the surface nice and smoothe and leaves a slight soda film on the car to help prevent rust for a limited time until you can get some epoxy primer (IMO don't use etching primer it's old school... epoxy is way better because it is also a sealer) on it. The soda film has to be removed and neutralized before any top coating can be done. These guys neutralize the soda then blast the car with garnet stone to add a slight etch to the metal so the epoxy/primer has more to bite onto. This light garnet blasting also insures that all the soda is gone too, along with any pesky rust spots.

Check out their website and give them a call for any questions.

I can tell you a few things that will help you in making your decision to use soda or not. Soda will not remove heavy RUST. You will need an aggressive media for that. IE garnet stone or glass beads etc.

No matter what media you use the **** gets everywhere. The key is you have to spend alot of time vacuuming and using and air gun to get all the crap oout of the crevices. Especially, the cowl vent area. Check your vent boxes after blasting and it will be full of blast media.

Hope this helps. I;ve been super happy with the results I got from soda blasting. Goodluck.