FABO Calender?

Robert: No harm done buddy. You are right on the member issue. I wouldn't even begin to have any idea how many units one would order for calendars. Now some shirts, i do have an idea there. I wonder how many active members are still on ths site. By active i would say that they are the ones that have posted in the last 6 months. People like 2Shelbys. Good guy but he's taking care of some business and needed some time away. Hasn't posted in awhile and i know there are many of those. Wish there were methods of determining this for logistics. Every now and then i'll get a reminder that i'm missed over on the B body site. Never get one from FABO as i'm always here. They'd probably give me an invite to leave first. Just jokin Mods. I'll check the pice on the printing of calendars here as i know there are places in big cities that will skin ya and wont do any better work. I'll get back as soon as i find out.
"Who is Joey?" You jerkin with us now aint ya Spaz? If you really dont know just let me know and i'll do a "Who is Joey" thread in the general section and bring everyone up to speed as best as i know it.
Small Block

Yeh, just jerkin with you as always.
If you have never watched that movie "A History of Violence" with Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen, and Maria Bello, you really need to see it.
Every time you hear the name "Joey" it will make you think of this movie.
I'd say it's my second favorite movie of all time right next to "Red Dawn."

I think because my Wife is a dead ringer for Maria Bello, and the movie is really an instant classic with some seriously sweet asskickin scenes.