Sooooo frustrated!!

I'm new to mopars and somewhat new to this site. I read posts on this site EVERY night to learn more about my car and to see what others have done with similiar issues. This site is SO GREAT to learn things and to read on how to fix things.

What frustrates the hell out of me are all the car shops in my area!!!!!! Guys are so friggin rude and some refuse to work on my car "because of how old it is". are you kidding me?? I have $$ to spend at your shop and i get judged on the car i have?????

I pay a monthly charge to store my 68 Dart in a covered parking spot because i have no where to keep in at my place. Thats challenging because the people i rent the space from don't allow me to do much work there. I pay monthly to park a car i can't work on AND i can't find a garage in my area to help me out - I'm sorry i don't have a Range Rover, BMW, or some friggin Honda to bring to your shop!!

I obviously have a project car but one day it won't be! I just need to vent by i also want to say thanks to all members for keeping me motivated by posting interesting topics for me to learn. If only i can find space to do everything i've learned....................