Story Time!!!!

Wow, where to begin? :-D

The adventures in the Charger? The Satellite? The Diplomat? Running the Duster when it was the hot rod in the family? :-D

Okay, I'll start with the first little story ya'll might like. When I was 16 my Pop bought my '76 Charger for $125 for a co-worker of his. It was actually the family's daily driver for a little while, but I started driving it more and more when Mom and Pop got something else to drive. It was nothing special: 318/904, one leg rear. Yellow and green, ugly as sin.
I drove it to practice at the high school one rainy night in the late fall -can't remember if it was sports or theater - and parked it in one of the spaces near the back doors of the schools, facing the building. When practice was over I came out and the Charger was blocked in. Someone nosed his early '80s Malibu 4-door up behind me, when they could have parked on either side. No big deal, I knew who's car it was and knew he was still inside, I'd just wait until he came out. He did, walking with his girlfriend. They saw me and started laughing. They climbed into her car and took off!
Okay, I thought, time for a little payback. I climbed in the Charger and fired it off to let it warm up after checking to see if he left the keys in his car. Nope. And the POS was locked, too. This get's even better.
The few remaining folks saw my situation and wondered if I needed a ride since I was blocked in.
"Nope," I lied, "John said he'd be right back."
They all left, leaving John's future in my hands.
I climbed in Charger and put the tranny in reverse. The parking lot was nice and slick from the rain and the 318 had no problems pushing the Chevy out of its way. But I didn't stop there. Behind our cars was the high school yard, which went down a slight burm into the softball field. I kept going, the Chevy, in park, not liking the ride, but with the wet grass, it was do big deal. Good tires on the Charger helped. It grunted a little bit when it hit the yard, spinning some, but kept digging. I hit the softball field, but still wasn't content. Behind that was the track with the football field in it. So I kept going. The Chevy was more than cooperative now, with a little momentum, the steering wheel locked, me steering the Charger to compensate for a little drift, across the rest of the yard, across the track and under the goal post. Looking forward my headlights showed a nice long path of yard destruction from where I had just come. Between the tires not moving on the Chevy and the spinning of the Charger a blind man could have seen it. I put the Charger in drive, drove off onto the track, nice and gentley and up the little drive which led away from the track to the parking lot, which the maintainence crew used.
The next morning there was a big uproar that someone had driven his car out into the yard and torn up the softball field before getting stuck on the football field. Let's just say his parents didn't like footing the bill for all that destruction since it was a certain Chevy found sitting under the goal posts.