What have we become in 50 Years?

The one which really grabbed my attention was the one of Pedro and English. My wife worked in a "bi-lingual" school. Ummm, English is the language of business, so those who are fighting to keep schools "bi-lingual" out of political correctness, aren't they just fighting to keep these kids down? And their parents? Sure, they may speak Spanish at home, but teaching them English and staying with English in school means they might, just might, go home and teach their folks, right? Seems to me it's self-defeating to make these kids feel good about themselves now and ignore any future ramifications it may have on them later.

The highschool in my area had a required EBONICS class in order to graduate! Thank god the kicked me out after 6 months and I went to the alternative school, it was the best thing that I ever did. They kept me interested, called all the teachers by their first names, smoke breakes every 15 mins, off campus lunches, everyone got along with everyone because there were only 62 kids there at one time.