Grumpuscreature In The Hospital

My husband David,

AKA to you as "grumpuscreature" was admitted into the hospital early this afternoon.

He was supposed to go to his 'regular doc' this morning, but she called the house this morning when she read his chart and told me to get him to the ER...ASAP, so I did.

David is being checked out for a mild heart attack. He had an open heart triple by-pass 18 months ago.

The doctors are keeping him overnight because his heart enzymes are up slightly and they want to give him a stress test in the morning.

Now he's not happy about being there, :hmph: I mean who would be? He hates hospitals. But, he is in the best heart facility in the state.

I am requesting Prayers for David and the doctors who will be working with him.
Thank you all,
~Mary Catherine Gillespie
AKA:The Exceptional One