Mopar opened my eyes :D

Welcome to the group. It's a fun place to be. My first car was a 65 Dart 270.
It had a HP 273 and a "3 on the tree". (back in 1971) It ran like a raped ape.
2 years later a guy blew a stop sign and took the front end off. Since then I've owned Road Runners, Super Bees, Challengers. and a nice assortment
of Coronets and even 66 Chrysler Newport. After many years, two houses, and two kids later,(at 50 years old I might add) I felt a need to get back into Mopars. It's a passion... no a disease. I was looking for a 64 Dart (just because I like the plain look) but I found a nice 66 less than an hour drive away. I bought it, fixed it up, and have been driving (and fixing) it ever since. Absolutely no regrets. It's a blast. Good luck to you! Toolmanmike