Demon and Dart Sport Scoop Location

ok i have something for everyone to ponder. i don t mean to stir the pot, but.......... i read this HOLE thread (no pun intended), and i think there might be something you haven t caught. i just purchased a 72 demon 340 from the second owner. this car has the J54 hood package on it.(NO fresh air holes). i also know a guy who has a 72 J54 hooded car (No holes). there is one thing that i know these cars have in common. they both came with underhood insulation. this might be the whole reason that people are seeing both. i m not saying that it is for sure, but it does make sense. i have also seen 71 demons that have no fresh air holes in them but do have the scoops and are coded for them. i ve even seen an original MR. NORMS 71 gss demon that had the scoops, and the stripes, but no pinstripe around either stripe. and this car had 100% original paint and wasn t in bad shape. when it comes down to it,, i think the factory did a lot of strange things, and there s not always a reason for it. as far as the dusters not having scoops,, not sure. but i know i haven t seen very many with the scoop! whether they re legit or not. thanks mark