I Just Got A Promotion!!!!!!!


You are the man!!

I have been busy so I am just now catching up on the threads.

Thanks Oklacarcollecto! :cheers:

congratulations ,this has been long overdue for you, you've been there for others when you did without for yourself and now a small part of what you've given is coming back to you.Don't forget to thank Him for all he's blessing you with,,,,,,,,,,,,bottoms up!!!!!!!!

Thank you prodart! Said my Thanks again last night and today I got contacted today about a job that pays another 30K more than I make now!?! I might toss in my interest and see what they say.... Could He be this kind to me?

Sorry for the slow reply Joe, I just saw this post title today.
Gotta say, that's OUTSTANDING!!!! Couldn't happen to a better guy!
If you've got any spare 'good luck', send just a bit my way.
Seriously, very happy for you!!!

Thanks OC! Luck sent your way! 8)