Where To Get High Octane Gas...

100 LL gas is some where around 114 to 118 demending on how old it is and how long it has been in storage at the airport also the read vapor pressure is way off for cars and is very dry, it is ment for high alltude. that being said here is how some of the race gas is made 9gal. of 100LL and 1 gal of high grade tolulene from the paint store it make it so it is great 10.5 and up t0 about 12.5 engines the lead content is about twice what it was when the quite selling lead fuel for cars they call LL or low lead because it is has less lead the the old loo oct. aircraft fuel I run this inmy demon T 50/50 mix with 982 un leaded on the street and 75/25 mix at the track hope this helps