Diesel Question ?

My diesel guru just walked into the room, Bill. I needed to think this over and wanted a consult as I thought this might be a bit rich. In all the years he drove truck it was about a 5% mix when someone did it on bigger diesels. That's 5 gallons per one hundred, so he's thinking you went a little rich, too. He also said you could tell the ones who did it as they would have about a foot of flame coming out of stacks when they pulled a hill under load...LOL. So for a 15 gallon tank you might want to back off the mix a bit without damage. My concern with a mixture this rich is the top of the pistons and the effect it might have on the turbo.
As for cold start and idle most trucking companies who have their fuel delivered in run about a 25% mix of kero and diesel. This keeps the diesel from gelling, keeps the power up, and keeps the lubrication going through. You'll also feel a bit more power from a kero mix without beating the snot out of the top end.

P.S.: keep your eye on the gauges! And if the check engine light comes on get to the scanner immediately.