Diesel Question ?

Mercedes actually had a chart in the owners manual as to what ratio of gas to add to your #2 diesel.... My question is, why don't you....

Buy #1 diesel?
Buy powerservice additive, or pyroil is another good one. I have run my cummins at -70F with #1 with 2stroke oil....... I have also seen #1 slope fuel gel. As far as running better? A diesel engine will make less power on gasoline, if your temp ran higher with the gas added, then you were damaging your already trouble prone 7.3.

If you cant use Kerosene, or additive to keep it from gelling don't be driving, reason why, is if you had to ask if it was OK to put gas in your tank, then you shouldn't be doing it.

And cardboard is a bad idea too, block off the air intake in the front.