Whats the temp where you live?

-27 C 7pm

It's about 12 F here right now...slight chill, snow doesn't sound like styrofoam when you walk on it yet. Back in the mid 90's I lived in Sault Ste. Marie Canada (grew up there) and had a 79 Duster slant 6. It hit -30 C for 30 days in a row. No block heater on the Duster but it started every morning with a bunch of isopropyl in the gas and pump the hell out of the accelorator. Had to drive holding the door shut because the latch quit working. All my cassettes got stolen because you didn't dare lock the doors. Frost line went under 7 feet breaking water mains all over the city. -30 and broken water mains made for some very long skating rinks. Now that was cold!