I Just Got A Promotion!!!!!!!

Wow.....Holy cow Joe.....when good luck rains, it pours:toothy2:. Go for it and yes, "He" could be that kind to you. You are very deserving and project such a positive attitude. 8)

Good luck with your decision.....Maybe talk it over w/ the pups...:grommit: :toothy10::toothy10:

Yeah, we'll see what the dogs say. :) No offer yet but I have sent an updated resume and they said they'd be in contact.

Excellent news Joe!! :cheers: It couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Good luck in the new position.........no pun intended. :toothy10:

LOL! Thanks Vart!

Way to go Joe. I remember how bummed you were a few months ago. It's great to here a good story for a change. Let us know when you make CEO.

Congrads, Jim

Thanks Jim!

Dang Joe thats frikin awesome! I just saw this thread...you can throw a big ole cow bone to the dogs now too! Don't forget them...they helped you thru the lean times!

Man thats great. Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka

PS as soon as I can have a Rum and Diet coke..I'll toast your good fortune!


I may join you tonight with a with a big R&C. :)

Way to go, Joe. Everybody here has been pulling for you. OK, let's see. You got a great job...got a great promotion...what could be next? Perhaps something of the female persuasion? Do good things happen in 'threes'?.

That would be too cool. 8) I'm not meeting many women at the local NAPA though......



I am really happy for you, ramcharger Joe! It warms my heart to see something good happen for a GOOD guy for a change. Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you Pat!

congrats man, good to hear you're on your way back up!!

Thanks 74scamp!

Yesterday was my first day as acting supervisor and man is my plate full. Got a bunch of congratulatory phone calls from the local techs. 8) I'm presently working on a way to streamline our inventory control and if I can make this work, it will be implemented nationwide. :cheers: Ok, back to work now. :read2: