need some honest opinoins

I am having a delmia I am a union steward and topped out as far as pay goes I am pretty skilled as a welder I have been fourtnate enough to not have been laid off and being steward has saved me about a $7000 pay cut and feel I almost owe it to the people I represent to stay on the floor but I dont want to do this for forty more years I can go company and start out at about the same as what I am making now with a pension and 401k but there is no job security I am just looking for some insight as to what would be a good option

I too work in a Union shop, and I was the Financial Secretary for awhile. There were a few of my fellow brothers that went company from the floor, and none of them are employed there now, but had they stayed on the floor, they would be. When jobs cuts come for the company side, it is not by seniority. It is usually by department, and then who does not go on all the trips, or work late when "asked". I take it you do not have 30 and out, or age plus years of service. That sucks!! I would only do it if there was no other choice. My sister works for the company side in HR, but she is about the last one with as many years as I have, 21.

I hope the best for you brother.
