How about them Steelers!

The only thing you Canucks do well is hockey and beer so stick it........ CFL what a joke............. and FYI the last time I checked only 6, thats right 6, just SIX out of the 30 NHL teams are in CANADA......And Mario, FYI, lives in Pittsburgh.....................:bootysha:

Wow! You got issues, so it wasn't a Steelers thing. Man you're just all over the place with this.

Nice attitude on you.

I didn't ask where Mario lives, I asked you where is he from?

The NHL does not want to sell more franchises to Canada (??) , even the near bancrupt ones (Phoenix). Otherwise their would be more...

I'm not a CFL fan either, I love the NFL, but from what I've for the most when ex-NFL players (Ricky Williams) for example, came to play in CFL, he didn't fair so well with the longer field and only 3 downs.

And ....the Steelers still suck!