Bullitt Chase w/map!

Bullitt, Gone in 60 Seconds, The Junkman, The Seven Ups, French Connection, The Hunter, The Driver, gotta love the warehouse chase scene. All great movies.

There is a great article on the chase in French Connection, they sped up a few scenes, but most of it was at speed, and real accidents.


Same with Gone in 60 Seconds, i saw the documentary on that.

It was filmed without permission on the freeways, that accident on the bridge was staged, and someone called the Fire Dept to get that footage, and the part where he spins out on the freeway, and hits the pole wasnt planned, he really got hurt. The chase in the Cadillac dealer was goofed too, when the car runs into the front line, they went to fast, the movie company owned the first two cars, but they ended up damaging 4.

If you ever see a movie called Jade, at the video store, and read the back, it says its got a car chase that equals the classic Bullitt, Ha, its a chase between a 90's Taurus and a Thunderbird, you can tell they had to use a few of them, its filmed in San Francisco and they beat the heck out of them.