How To??

carefull marking of parts and Careful dissassembly is a must. most important part in dissassembly is to NOT nick the crank, after you mark all of the rod cap's and main caps remove the rod cap's one at a time, Gently! after the rod cap is removed you can slide a piece of rubber hose onto each rod bolt to keep the rod bolt's from knicking the crank as you slide the piston rod assembly out of the block. After removing the assembly from the block put the rod cap back onto that rod so it doesn't get lost or moved to a diffrent rod.the rod caps go onto the rod a certain way in which the bearing tangs that keep the bearing from spinning meet up with each other. the rod goes into the engine a certain way also,take note of the side of the rod that faces the oil pan rail and when you get the second rod out from the engine that goes onto that rod journal take a look at the big end of the rod and you will notice that it is chamfered on each side of the rod,one side has a larger chamfer which faces to the crank and the other side has a lessor chamfer that faces the other rod,The larger chamfer is to allow clearance for the journal fillet. More members will chime in with advice and maybe links for good book's on the subject hopefully this will be helpful to you.
P.S. Kepp everything as clean as you can while working on the engine, dirt and grit is not good so keep your area clean and your hands clean as you go.