Don't think bad of me but I was put in jail first time in my life. I am 52

IT'S ALL ABOUT THE "MONEY!!!!! I have a shirt I love to wear to court, it looks like the DEA/FBI, in that it is Navy Blue with Yellow letters on the back J.A.I.L., On the front is says,, Jail For Judges, and has there web site,, Boy's and Girls, this is not a FREE country, they have taken the "R" out of free, and we now live in a "FEE"!!! Counrty. Have a group in Roswell New Mexico that are standing up and trying to "claim" their rights, cops don't like them and the DA's and judges hate to see them show up in court, as they are using the "LAW" to fight back, and are doing quite well. There is a national group, the "" check them out they to are fighting the good fight. Go to court, stand mute, they will enter a plea of "Guilty" on your behalf, then go into a court of record, and stand up for your right to be heard, make them spend "MONEY" to prosecute you, and they will start to leave ya alone, don't want to spend the "MONEY or TIME, so they'll go find someone else to "FLEECE"!!
If George, Thomas, Ben, Paul, John, and others could be called out of their graves, I think they would start a revolution, to take back the counrty our government has stolen!!!!!!!! The "LAW" is for everyone, adn we need to make sure "THEY" are held to the same standard as we are, don't ya think?