T Bone for lunch

I just got back from getting a couple of birthday cards for my nephews and as I was turning into the shopping center a nice 80 year old lady gave me a T Bone for lunch, and not the kind made of meat! She was driving a 1997 Crown Vic (old police cruiser) and I was on my 04 Dodge 2500. the first thing she said was where were you coming from I looked both ways and didn't see anything! I looked right in the eyes and blew the horn before she hit me. Expensive birthday cards huh? Fortunately noone was injured although my back does hurt a little. And to top it all off I had to make the cops write the ticket over three times!!! They wanted to write it as if it happened on private property and she hit me in the street, and wrote the info down wrong twice. I hate to say it but there needs to be an age limit on driving!!

That's my rant, thanks, everyone have a great Christmas!!!