How about them Steelers!

Cheated, cheated, cheated, The Pats cheated....

Really guys, give it up, that was in Sept.'07, three seasons ago.

And I don't believe it gave them that much advantage to win, as the play calls are changed @ the line of scrimmeage. Unless he had live feed from the side line video camera, lol.

Every game all teams look at "pictures" from the other teams bench signals and formations (see Payton Manning and the Colts) for the best example, that's what makes a team good, learn your opponents game.
How is that so "drastically" different?

As I can remember it...when the players from other teams were interviewed about the "Spy Gate" incident, most players smurked and brushed it in it doesn't make THAT much difference.

This to me was just another media and opposing team fans, hypped situation.

All games, benches, time clock, line of scrimmeage formation and specific player's are video taped, EVERY game.

And it has been three years.

My humble opinion.