california dmv

They are on short weeks and furloughs with the California budget problems. Stuff is way backed up.

To give you an idea, my mother requires a handicap placard, sent in the request for a new placard 3 months before the current one expired, three months after it expired, still no placard. Ended up going into the office to get it done.

If you used International or Broadway title trying to title a car in CA, good luck. They don't even process them at all after the Boyd Coddington deal.

Wish I could help out.

no the owners son has applied for a replacement title. his father could not find the original. the application went in and then they needed an insurance form filled out and that was sent in nov.20. I spoke with the dmv a week and a half ago and they said by dec 9 we should have it. is that comment just smoke and mirrors? or is the dmv affiliated with the phone companies to get me to call back and put on hold some more tel. $$$$ ?
