8 3/4 axels???


why is this goin so cheap and no one is bidding lol? the round part on the back looks different then most 8 3/4s but idk if that would matter. i could make a new of that part if i need to but will this work lol?

I saw this guy on Ebay a few times as well. Seems almost to good to be true!

I bought a 1966 B-Body housing a year ago. So I am doing exactly as was recommended by Wagon. My rearend came with a 3:23 suregrip. I am going install green bearings and seals (I bought the Maxi Kit from Dr. Diff for $85), move the perches in, clean,prime and paint. I should be good to go!

Maybe that is the approach you may want to consider as well.

Good Luck.