Blow proof bells

I emailed him last night, told him I am interested in one and if he has fixed the current problem with them. I also told him about how many different people have had problems. Is there any way someone could e-mail him this whole thread, so he gets the point there is more than one person having a problem? i don't know how or I would do it. i will let everyone know what he emails me back.


hey man,
your idea sounds great! all you have to do is copy the link for this thread from the address bar and paste on the email you send to him...Actually all this bellhousing talk i went out to the garage last night and tried the midplate he sent me (alot of work to swap it out, but heck i was anxious) and it didnt fix the problem still (its the midplate from the sfi bells since mine is not sfi approved, but if the sfi guys are having the same problem i kinda figured it wouldnt really help)...Ross is a great guy and he has been really good about the whole thing so far with me, so if he really wants to make things right with everyone i would think he would make a peice to correct this problem...T.J. i say you email him the link and ill send him an email as well, that way atleast he gets the picture something needs to be done since its happened to more than one of us make a peice myself is just more money and time that i dont have when this bellhousing is supposed to work with the factory z bar without problems (and im not even sure i have the capabilities to make a peice, and others may not either)...let us know how it goes and ill try it too
