My Christmas on the hill

MAN!!!!! I was wondering about that game homecloned :cheers:
So it's a good game? I was told that it will give you a good work out and motion exercise :happy10: I am going to have to look into that :happy10:
Thank you for giving me your thoughts on it :cheers:
I bet that would be good for allot of folks that don't need to be throwing a bowling ball anymore 8)

I just bowled a 209:cheers:.
This is definitely given me a work out. I shouldn't have played the baseball game due to my back but once I got into the batting grove and figured how to throw a curve and screwball I was having too much fun...oh yeah, and with the beer drinking I was feeling no pain.
This would be great for someone who was active but the body can't get out and do it anymore.

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