Anyone Send A Validation Of Debt Letter

What are the rest of the circumstances? This is probably state law, and therefore, anything you might hear from the rest of us that do not live in your state or are not lawyers is worth just about what you pay for it...

That said, I would be hesitant about signing anything. IMO, there is already validation of debt - that would be the promissory note that you signed along with, perhaps, a deed to secure debt or whatever it is called in your state.

One thing to keep in mind here, any papers you are being asked to sign now will not be to benefit you; they are to benefit the lender in some way. I would sure want to see what the fine print in that VOD reads and bounce it off an attorney. IMHO, the promissory note you have already signed and state law gives the lender certain rights and remedies in the event of default. An additional "validation of debt" at this point may only serve to give the lender additional rights, whether it is to restart the statue of limitations, make it easier to obtain a judgment against you; or worse, to make the judgment automatic in the event of a surrender of security.

My advice, hoof it down to town and see an attorney. A good attorney.

I am not advocating that you not pay your debt. All that said, I agree with slantsixdan. If you signed a promissory note, it is a legal instrument in which you have given your "promise to pay".