Porting 302's

mine was about the same. dropped about a grand in parts. nevermind my hours into porting them. in the end, they did make the horsepower. but considering how fragile these heads are, i'm surprised they lasted as long as they did. i shoulda went with RPM's to begin with. woulda save alot of time. but as i stated, RyanJ said thats a fools dream with those heads. wanted to prove him wrong which I did. which brings me to the point with the OP. yah i could tell him/show him exactly what i've done. but there's no point in it. its NOT street mods by a long shot on my heads. paper thing ports, epoxy, etc dosn't make for reliability. see nobody ever asked me exactly what was done. they just jump all over me. if they woulda asked in the first place.. coulda avoided this whole non-contraversy. hope we're clear on this now. i still like yah lol.

I didn't get any Pm's from you. try again.